About this web...

Though some pages are works in progress, you can get a sense of what this website offers. Hopefully, it will be useful to you and you will contribute your ideas, information and comments. Please remember to tell people about houstonculture.org and cultural-crossroads.com. As more people know about it, the more beneficial the site will be for those who contribute their ideas and those who rely on it as a source of worthwhile cultural information.

For more on the origin of the the Houston Institute for Culture, read the Founder's Message.

The site includes five major sections, and the contents, listed below:

click The Houston Institute for Culture
Home | Tenets | Goals | Features | Calendar | Resources | Registry
Workshops | Volunteer | Comments | What You Can Do
Frequently Asked Questions | Houston | Founder | Archives
The Houston Institute for Culture promotes cultural arts and activities, as well as cultural awareness and education in Houston and the Southeast Texas region. The Houston Institute also supports world music, regional music, cultural history and educational travel.

click Cultural Crossroads
Regional Music | Texas Music Hall of Fame | Historical Music
Scenes of Texas Culture | Texas Regional Humor | Regional Events
Regional Links | Tour Texas
The Cultural Crossroads section features interesting information on cultures in Southeast Texas and Louisiana, as well as information on arts, music, events, festivals, traditions and history. Other resources include helpful links to cultural organizations, venues, funding sources and agencies.

click Terra Incognita
Map of Destinationss | Adventure Travel | Visit the Regions
Southwest Travel Report | Gulf Coast Travel Report | Pacific Travel Report
Warnings | Packing List | Metric Conversion | Photography Tips
The Lost Dutchman pages feature interesting travel ideas, helpful advice and information, as well as photographs of different regions in Mexico, the Southwestern United States, the Ozarks, Mississippi Delta and the Texas Coastal Plain.

click World Music on KTRU
KTRU | KTRU Specialty Shows | KTRU Outdoor Show
The World Music Show on KTRU, 91.7 fm, Rice University Radio features music of different cultures around the world. This page offers listeners some recommended music, films and cultural events related to world and traditional music.

click KIVA On Line Community
Front Page | Recipes | Opinion | Films | Explorations | Reading | Web Resources
KIVA On Line is a community for sharing ideas and cultures. It serves as a public forum for Houston Institute for Culture participants and visitors. Contributions such as editorials, recipes, essays and travel diaries are welcome.

Table of Contents

The Contents is a complete list of pages in this site. It will help you look for pages you may not have visited by showing you an active link in red. The link for pages you have visited recently will appear brown.

CONTACT: Email: info@houstonculture.org or hifc@yahoo.com; By mail: Astrodome Station, Box 20182, Houston, TX 77225-0182

MEDIA: See: www.houstonculture.org/media.

QUALITY: If images or graphics appear too dark, you may need to calibrate your monitor.

ADDRESS: Our basic address is www.houstonculture.org and our virtual url is www.cultural-crossroads.com, which will remain active to link you to features on our site.

BROWSER: These pages are written in basic HTML and should be optimal for all browsers.

SOUND: Several Sections have audio files that play when you open pages using Explorer. They are World Music (temorarily disabled) and Scenes of Texas Culture. The sound can be slow to load. We are working on reducing the file size without losing quality, and making the sound accessible on Netscape.

Get QuickTime 4.0 to hear audio samples, such as the Mardi Gras Indians, using Netscape and Explorer.

NEW SECTIONS: We are creating several new sections, including:
Pop Culture, Counterculture, Gulf Coast Special, HIFC 2000, Virtual Folk Art,
Around H-town, Spanish America, Kids' Stuff, La Tienda and Recipes.
Please contribute to the development of these great new sections and tell others to look for your work on this website soon.

All sections are being updated slowly but surely, so remember to look back from time to time. It is possible to email your comments by looking near the bottom of several main sections, or by writing to info@houstonculture.org and views@houstonculture.org.

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About the Director/Webmanager.

Houston Institute | Cultural Crossroads | Terra Incognita | World Music