We are improving the resource directory, which includes listings of Houston cultural and community organizations. Please complete the information described at and return it to Forward this web address to any artists and organizations you are aware of. In the information you return to us, which will be posted on line for potential volunteers, event organizers, etc., try to include general information which will not become outdated quickly.
Visit to see an example of our own organization listed in this format. As listings are submitted, they will be indexed on this page:
Following is a list of valuable resources, primarily in the region of Southeast Texas, which may be of interest to cultural artists, organizations and audiences alike. You will find links to information on cultural events, exhibits, literature and broadcasts, as well as agencies to help further your cultural and education experience.
Universities | Organizations | Museums | Media | Performing Arts
Houston Area Universities
Colleges and Universities in Houston
Rice University
Rice University
Brown Fine Arts Library, Rice U
Center for the Study of Cultures
Rice Design Alliance
Theatre @ Rice
Rice University Clubs
Rice Players Home Page
Rice University Art Gallery
Rice Department of Art & Art History
The Shepherd School of Music
Rice University Media Center
Asian Studies
University of Houston
The University of Houston
KUHF Home Page
Houston Public Television
UH Moores School of Music
UH Master Calendar
Blaffer Gallery
Arte Público Press
Language and Culture Center
UH Creative Writing Program
UH Division of Dance
UH School of Theatre
Center for the Americas
UH Women's Studies Program
African American Studies
Center for Mexican American Studies
Texas Southern University
Texas Southern University
University of St. Thomas
University of St. Thomas
University of Texas System
UT System Digital Library
Universities | Organizations | Museums | Media | Performing Arts
Government Agencies
Cultural Arts Council of Houston and Harris County
Texas Council for the Humanities
Texas Music Office
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
Houston Public Library
Cultural and Educational Organizations
Institute of Texan Cultures
Texas Folklife Resources
American Folklife Center
Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture
Louisiana Resources
Institute of Chinese Culture
Houston Hispanic Forum
Asian American Heritage Association
Asian Pacific American Heritage Association
Buddhism in Houston
Chinese Culture: Religion
Burmese American Association of Texas
Folk Stories of Taiwan
Society for the Performing Arts - Houston
Houston Museum of Natural Science
Japan-America Society of Houston, (713) 963-0121, Email:
Universities | Organizations | Museums | Media | Performing Arts
Houston Museums
Houston Museum of Natural Science, One Hermann Circle Drive, Houston, (713) 639-4600
Children's Museum of Hoston, 1500 Binz, Houston, (713) 522-1138
Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston
Lawndale Art and Performance Center
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
MOCAH (Museum of Cultural Arts, Houston)
Contact: ArtworkZ
Bediko Multicultural
3422 Laura Koppe Rd.
Regional Museums
Texas Association of Museums
Museum Links
Institute of Texan Cultures
Museum of Asian Cultures and Educational Center
1809 N. Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX
(512) 882-2641
Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center
1300 Guadalupe St., San Antonio, TX 78207-5519
George Washington Carver Museum
1165 Angelina Street, Austin, TX 78702
A small museum attached to the Carver Public Library in the heart of Austin's East side. The museum has a community focus, featuring rotating exhibits.
Louisiana State Museum
(504) 568-6968 or 1-800-568-6968
Rice University Art Gallery
Blaffer Gallery
National Museums
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Folkways
Universities | Organizations | Museums | Media | Performing Arts
Broadcast Media
Public Broadcasting
CBS News Sunday Morning
Houston Public Television
Rice University Radio, KTRU
World Music on KTRU
Other Specialty Shows on KTRU
KUHF 88.7fm
University Publishers
Arte Público Press
University of Illinois Press
University of Oklahoma Press
University of New Mexico Press
University of Nevada Press
University of Arizona Press
University of Texas Press
University of North Carolina Press
University Press of Mississippi
Louisiana State University Press
Southern Methodist University Press
The Association of American University Presses
Louisiana Cultural Vistas, published by Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
Universities | Organizations | Museums | Media | Performing Arts
Regional Event Listings
Texas Highways
Texas Events
Houston Institute Calendar Listings
Performance Spaces
Houston International Festival
Miller Outdoor Theater
MECA (Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts)
1900 Kane Street, Houston, TX 77007
(713) 802-9370
Shepherd School, Rice University
Moores Opera House, University of Houston
Cullen Performance Hall, University of Houston
Media Exhibition Spaces
Rice University Media Center
Aurora Picture Show
800 Aurora Street, Houston, TX 77009
(713) 868-2101
River Oaks Theatre
(713) 524-2175
2009 W Gray, Houston, TX 77019
Greenway 3 Theatre
(713) 626-0402
Highway 59 @ Buffalo Speedway, 5 East Greenway Plaza, Houston, TX 77046
Additional Sources
Houston Chronicle
Submit resource listings for consideration to the Editor at
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